Microbiologist examining a petri dish with agar

Microbiological and molecular biology tests

Identification of animal species


Under the current law, food products should be labelled so as not to mislead the consumer in any manner. This rule applies, among others, to information defining the characteristics of the foodstuff, including its name, type, properties, composition, quantity, durability, source or place of origin, as well as the method of production or manufacturing. The name of a meat product may be accompanied by information on the type of meat from which the product was manufactured. This is to enable the consumer to recognise the food and distinguish it from other products. When declaring the composition of the product, all ingredients used shall be indicated. The quantity of meat declared in the product name must also be stated in the composition of the product.


To confirm the species origin of declared meat in a finished product, our laboratory has implemented and validated a modern method based on real-time PCR polymerase chain reaction, which is a very sensitive analytical tool. Identification is based on the detection of a DNA sequence specific for the animal species sought. We also offer the determination of specific DNA for such animal species as, among others, pig, cow, sheep, chicken, turkey, and horse.

The laboratory runs a qualitative test to detect the presence of animal DNA, which is particularly useful for vegetarian and vegan products. The test, performed using real-time PCR, enables the detection of specific DNA of mammalian and poultry origin. The method detects specific DNA from the following animal species: goat, kangaroo, horse, goose, pig, deer, donkey, ostrich, sheep, cattle, chicken, pheasant, swan, turkey. In the case of vegan products, it is necessary to carry out additional tests to exclude the presence of fish and animal raw materials such as milk and eggs in the product.

Contact our team today if you want to schedule tests for your meat products.

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