JS Hamilton Headquoter



J.S. Hamilton is a service company which is driven by our commitment to support and add value for our customers.

It is our aim to focus on continuous growth and improving our position in the market place to become a leading laboratory network and inspection company in Central and Eastern Europe.

High quality of our services is due to our employees who contribute towards achieving our business objectives. We ensure their highest professional qualifications and application of the modern testing and analytical equipment.

Finally, we strive to continuously improve level of our services to the total customers’ satisfaction.

It is our mission to deliver excellent services which contribute to our customer's success.


Establishing a Central Chemical Laboratory within Polcargo – Polish state organization
Opening sales representative office of British company J.S. Hamilton Ltd. In Gdynia, Poland
Start of company J.S. Hamilton Poland Ltd.
Buying Polcargo Central Chemical Laboratory from Polish government
Obtaining ISO 17025 Certificate of Accreditation
2007 - 2010
Establishing new offices and laboratory branches in Katowice, Poznań, Małaszewicze, Sokółka, Warsaw, Makow Mazowiecki and in Szczecin (Poland)
Moving to new premises in Gdynia, Poland
Transformation of J.S. Hamilton Poland limited liability company into joint-stock company
Establishing J.S. Hamilton Romania S.R.L. in Bucharest, Romania and opening new laboratories in Poland (Szczecin, Radom, Wrocław)
Establishing J.S. Hamilton Baltic SIA in Riga and J.S. Hamilton Hungaria Kft in Budapest, acqusition of laboratory Labo Sano, Croatia; opening sales representative office in Vilnius, Lithuania
Transformation of Labo Sano company into J.S. Hamilton Croatia; opening sales representative office in Ljubljana, Slovenia
Start of chemical tests related to toy safety, Acquisition of Sekargas Hamilton, UAB (Lithuania), QA Solutions (Poland) and Ergo Solutions (Poland)
Acquisition of Biotim B&S in Romania, establishment of a new cosmetic testing lab in Gdansk, Poland
Acquisition of UOT and ŁCJ in Poland, new investment in microbiological laboratory in Poland
Acquisition of SP Lab in Serbia, Acquisition of Polcargo (Poland), new investments in environmental testing laboratory in Poland and food testing laboratory in Romania
New food lab in Lithuania, new investment in packaging laboratory in Poland - increasing the capacity by 50%. Investment in high resolution HRMS chromatography apparatus for testing for dioxins and derivatives in food